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How much does the Copper Ore Dressing Cost ?

2016-03-31 11:17:16   XinHai   (2340)

In a copper dressing plant, ore dressing cost contains many aspects, such as construction,  equipment purchasement, worker salary, maintenance and update consumable parts.  Just make the Dexing copper ore as a sample, its copper ore cost is calculated  from many aspects, except its construction, equipment purchase and salary cost,  its consumable parts updating and regent consumption has large percentage. Ore  character→mineral pressing flow sheet → equipment selection, as the  order, firstly we should analyze the ore character, metal ore include chalcopyrite,  secondary is bornite, malachite, chalcocite. Gangue mineral include dolomite, carbonation  dolomite, secondary is quartz, calcite and feldspar. Copper ore exists in dolomite,  carbonation dolomite, carbonation dolomite disseminated as massive, patchy,  scattered dots, oxidized ore exists in powdery and thin film. Chalcopyrite  particle size is 0.03~0.2mm, middle hardness, and its density is 2.85t/m³.

Grinding and flotation process need cost, besides water and power cost;  in grinding, the grinding ball should be supplemented constantly, steel ball  increase the cost. In flotation process, the regent cannot be reused, so it  also need added constantly, regent consumption also increase the cost, the regent  include lime, Xanthate and II oil. In this process, the consumption of steel  ball and regent increase the cost, in filtration process, the filtrate cloth  will be changed because of clogging and tear, it also increase the coat. Xinhai  mining machines has most competitive price and good quality, we will help you  minimize your dressing cost.

Tags:Copper Ore Dressing Cost

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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